Company name: Omega Construction, Inc.
What does your company do or make? Commercial general contractor serving the southeast U.S.
Industry: Commercial contracting
Year founded: 1975
Top executive: Barry Hennings
Address: 1100 South Stratford, Building C, Suite 110, Winston Salem 27103
Phone: 336-701-1100
No. of Triad employees: 27
No. of employees total: 72
Tell us a story that shows how your culture is cooler, more collaborative than any other: We recently had a surprise inspection by an OSHA compliance officer on a job-site. No Omega employee there had ever taken part in a OSHA inspection before, so various employees and our president helped the employees involved. It went well and the OSHA compliance officer complimented our commitment to safety.
If your culture had a theme song, what would it be? “Where Everybody Knows Your Name” – Gary Portnoy (“Cheers” theme)
Here are three things we invest in as a company that show we care about employees: We hold several company-sponsored activities, including Dash games, lake outings and Food Truck Fridays.
What specific opportunities did your organization provide in the past year that enabled employees to develop new skills, enhance career opportunities and be promoted to greater roles? The company holds raining opportunities monthly. We’re also developing a financial assistance plan to help employees continue their education.
What are some unusual perks offered to your employees? We offer a relaxed attendance policy. Strong familial relationships are a cornerstone of our company. We encourage employees to spend time with their families and attend functions even when it may interfere with work.
Tell us about something at your workplace that cultivates collaboration. We have several committees where employees share ideas, grow relationships and enhance our company culture.
Tell us about a time when senior manager walked the talk in terms of company culture: All of our senior managers have invested heavily into our current organization and future generations by remodeling of the corporate office, growing internship program and investing in business development.
What benefits have been proven over time to be the most effective for recruiting and retaining talent? Our leaders constantly strive to sustain a powerful culture by caring about every employee and allowing each to succeed.
What advice would you offer another employer about how to make engagement a consistent reality rather than a stated objective? Effective leadership is key. Leaders care about everyone. Leaders show and prove they care. This builds trust among the organization. In turn, everyone feels valued and appreciated.
Describe the occasion in the past year when your local team had the most fun or demonstrated the most camaraderie. What made it special? Our company Christmas party is a lot of fun and a place to reflect with our families on the successes of the year. We also have enjoyed trying out new restaurants as a group since moving to Winston-Salem.